Due to the fact that we have not been able have our Sponsor drawings at several events we will;
Mid Ohio, Thunderbolt, and Watkins Glen
Double the goodies
Double the fun.
Your chances of winning a pair of Hoosier’s are greatly enhanced.
It is time to go racing. Below is the link to register for our up coming events at Mid Ohio with FRP and Thunderbolt with VRG.
This should be two great weekends of racing and fun. Below are the links for both Thunderbo
lt & Mid Ohio
Thunderbolt is at New Jersey Motor Sport Park July 27,28 29 with VRG. Mid Ohio is June 29 thru July 1.
Please register now for both events.
If you cannot make it, you will get a full refund for the Thunderbolt event and you will not need to pay until you get to registration at NJMSP. You can also request a garage on the entry form. Prior to the event Jim Hanna will call VRG and ask asking for those requesting a garage to be all together. Even if you are undecided about Thunderbolt please register. We have been assured that we will have our own race.
There is strength in numbers.
Register for Mid Ohio: www.frpentry.com
Register for Thunderbolt: www.vrgonline.com