Now is the time for all members to come to the aid of their club. VS2 requests that you please register ASAP. We are committed for 24 entries and now is the time to show up Time to have some fun at "The Fun One" Test Day Friday. Racing and an additional Sports 2000 race Sunday morning at 8:30 A.M. Yes our own race.
Let's all get entered ASAP. This is going to be a great event. Hope you can make it. Social will be more goodies and fun. Time is short, you better be doing what you want to do! What could be more important that The Fun One at Watkins Glen? Hope to see you there.
Gentlemen - Registration and Supps. (including schedule) for The Fun One are up at:
To All Sports 2000 Racers Come join Vintage Sports 2000 at Watkins Glen International. We will be at the SCCA Fun One September 15,16 and 17. We will also have our own race at 8:30 Sunday morning in addition to the regular schedule. This will be another great Vintage Sports 2000 N.A. event. Don't miss this one! Hope to see you there. Vintage Sports 2000 Board of Directors.